fred voisin’s website

computer music producer, since 1989

Experimental Ethnomusicology : An Interactive Approach to the Study of Musical Scales

Part or summary of my thesis on equipentatonic tunings in Central Africa and Java, in collaboration with Simha Arom and GIlles Léothaud (1989 - 1995), introducing « scalemes » in a semiological perspective on musical scales, some observations and results.

Frédéric Voisin, Simha Arom, Gilles Léothaud. Experimental Ethnomusicology : An Interactive Approach to the Study of Musical Scales. Irène Deliège ; John A. Sloboda. eds. Perception and Cognition of Music, Psychology Press Ltd, pp. 3-28, 1997, 0-86377-452-0. ⟨hal-01612061⟩

ISBN to be checked, according to 3 editions : 1997, 2004, 2015 which may be not the same).

see link with same title but different autor @Taylor&Francis which seems to be wrong (see paper version).

(this is the page number 202 in my index so that it’s only half a 404 error)

Voir en ligne : Psychology Press @ Taylors & Francis