fred voisin’s website

computer music producer, since 1989


30 nov. 2008

LispMe > Common Lisp
work in progress

(testé dans SBCL)

;; lispme.lisp
;; lispme to commonlisp
;; interprete a la louche le dialect LispMe dans common-lisp
;; to make more usefull my little palmOS machines
;; fv 2008

;(defpackage :lispme)

;(in-package "LISPME")

(defmacro define (args body)
 (let ((name (car args))
        (argh (cdr args)))
   (if (fboundp name)
        (if (equalp "COMMON-LISP" (package-name (symbol-package name)))
            (format t "lispme.lisp: ignore la fonction ~S (existe deja)~&" name)
            `(defun ,name ,argh ,body))
        `(defun ,name ,argh ,body))))

(define (toto argh) (print argh))
(toto "Hello world !")
(define (elt seq i) (nth i seq))

(defmacro set! (name body)
 `(setf ,name ,body))

(defun list-ref (alist n)
 (nth n alist))

(defun set-cdr! (liste arg)
 (setf (cdr liste) arg))

(defun null? (arg)
 (null arg))

(defun eq? (a b)
 (eql a b))

(defun display (arg &optional (stream nil))
 (when (not stream) (setf stream t))
 (format stream "~S " arg))

(defun begin (&rest args)
 (progn args))

(defun even? (int)
 (evenp int))

(defun odd? (int)
 (oddp int))